Something about hockey you should know (Part 1)

Hockey is a type of sport in which two teams compete against each other by trying to control a ball or a hard, circular disc, called a hockey ball, into a net or goal with hockey sticks …

Hockey is a type of sport in which two teams compete against each other by trying to control a ball or a hard, circular disc, called a hockey ball, into a net or goal. the other team, with a hockey stick. The most common hockey in a given area is often simply referred to as hockey, other types of hockey are more fully and explicitly referred to (for example if in a certain area the Ice hockey is popular, people sometimes just call it hockey or ice hockey, while grass hockey is fully called for to distinguish).

I. General concept:

1. Origin:

  • Derived from the old French “hoquet” – a shepherd’s hook, also known as a curled ball or hockey. This is a team sport using sticks and balls on a particular field. In a match, each team tries to hit the ball with a curved club as much as possible and prevent the other team from hitting the goal.
  • There are 4 types of hockey: Round hockey, ball hockey (ice), grass hockey and rink – hockey.
  • They are: 
    • Ball hocket (on ice): 
      Ball hockey appeared in the mid-nineteenth century in England
    • Ring Hockey 
      – Rink-Hockey is a roller-skated hockey stick that appeared in the UK in the 1920s.
    • Ring hockey 
      – Ring hockey appeared in Canada in the 1870s. Specialized ice rink measures 51-61m x 24-30m, with a wall around it. In the World Round Hockey Federation (established 1908) with 30 member countries.
    • Grass
      Grass hockey appeared in the mid-nineteenth century England. The field is 91.4 x 55m in size. In the Federation of field hockey in the world (founded in 1924) there are 92 participating countries. In the World Ball Hockey Federation (established in 1955), there are 5 participating countries (1981).